Thursday, February 16

Lies I tell myself to be able to sleep at night

I'm a thinker.

I have all these anxieties because this voice inside my head just won't stop bugging me with its buck load of craziness and paranoia. I'm a thinker who finds it utterly hard to put my thoughts into words; I do better in writing but seriously poor in speaking -- thinking and talking at the same time, not my best asset.

So yes, every night, unless I'm dead tired or dead drunk, I'd have to forcefully tame all these things in my head with words that are as cliche as hating on Valentine's Day. This is an ode to all these thoughts that keep me sane.
  1. Everything is going to be alright.
  2. You are not alone; you just think you are.
  3. You are not alone; you're independent.
  4. It's not about the money.
  5. You are lucky to have all these blessings.
  6. You don't need to have it all figured out now.
  7. There's no need to rush.
  8. Everything is going to be alright.
  9. You'll find time soon, for all the things that you really want to do.
  10. That stability you've been hoping to have will come soon.
  11. You just need to finish all these trivial tasks then you'll finally have focus.
  12. It's okay to be mean once in a while.
  13. They've forgotten about it already.
  14. You just need to lay everything out, get organized, then you'll achieve everything.
  15. You have a bright future ahead.
  16. You won't be alone in that bright future.
  17. And so what if you are? Go get yourself a goldfish.
  18. It's okay that you still can't drive.
  19. It's okay to slack off once in a while.
  20. It's okay that you're not perfect. No one is.
  21. It's okay to eat.
  22. It's okay to be happy.
  23. It's okay to let new people enter your life.
  24. Not everyone is out to get you.
  25. Everything is going to be alright.
So maybe not all lies. Just some.

1 comment:

  1. It may not always seem like it, but really, everything is going to be alright :)

    I thought my world ended when I got my heart terribly broken and stamped on a couple of years ago. It was tough because the guy and I are still officemates. But now, everytime I see him at the office, meh. No regrets, only lessons. Good luck, Erika! ♥
