Saturday, December 31

To you, the person I'm destined to kiss every New Year's Eve (except this year's or the next few)

Because I have been reading a lot of year-end posts, of letters to no one, of notes to self, and just because I just spent another holiday season with no romantic affiliations with anyone, I decided to write you a letter.

Don't get me wrong, you; I am in no hurry to "start a life with someone" because truth be told, my life has already been rolling -- rolling hard and endlessly at that (and can I just say that my plate is so full, literally and figuratively). I am young and a lot of people, my mom and my boss included, have reiterated that fact over and over.

But I am sure, you, that when you finally come into my life (or when I finally come into your life), when the balls of fate have finally decided that it is time, everything would be perfect and everything would be in it's place. My youth, or your youth, or whatever else wouldn't matter because nothing would ever be wasted and everything would count. And if ever you do get to read this, I am sure, dear you, that you would see this as hopeful and romantic and not just being idealistic because I am young.

And if ever you get to read my other posts, you, I am sure that you would always and forever reassure me that my writing is just fine, heck, it's awesome despite the grammatical errors and unlikely length and construction of sentences, because you would understand that more than appreciation, what I need is the constant push that I can write despite the lack of experience and training.
You probably see now that I have the tendency to be needy. You have also probably noticed that I've got a lot of issues. Yes, my beloved I do; from commitment issues, to abandonment, to anxieties - name it, I might have it. I am an exaggerated mess and my feelings are never constant. But these are not the things that make me.

So here's to hoping that I don't scare you away. I am sure that you are someone who wouldn't mind that I am this and that because you, too, are a lot of things. Here's to hoping that we will always and forever seek each other, because anything less for us both is just unacceptable.

Here's to hoping that we spend hours after work burning calories and flabs with new sports and adventures to try, that we share egg muffins or bagels and drink all sorts of teas for breakfasts, that we watch romcoms and snuggle in theaters or kickass action films to keep our adrenalines running, that we regularly study together, and I mean really study, or just read books in coffee shops and eat all the sweets we can find, that we encourage each other to finish our bucketlists (assuming that you already have one, if none, I can make you one), that we travel together and volunteer around the world, and a whole lot more because all that I am really hoping for is that we complement each other so that we may be able to be the best version of ourselves with and because of each other.

Truth be told, I still have this hope that you are already somebody that I have already met (and is just not here right now because the story says so, though the ending remains that you'd be with me, and I'd be with you). If not, well then why don't you just kill me now. Kidding aside, if you, my dear you, isn't the one that I am hoping to be with, that's just alright because I know that the universe knows better and we have already been promised for each other.

I may be tired of being alone and I honestly cannot wait for you to get here (or for me to be there) but for that which has been promised for us that is true and divine, I will. Screw gendering and ideologies, as much as I want to be politically correct all the time.

Yes I sound cheesy and highly unlikely to be myself, but for what it's worth, I meant every word of this post. Like really. Or at least that version of myself which is drunk with Lays and sweets.

PS. I don't need you to be perfect; I just need you to exist.


  1. Aww this is so sweet:) Happy new year!

  2. Thanks Jenny! Happy new year to you too! And thanks for always visiting :)

  3. this is such a sweet and a nice read. <3 happy new year, erika!

  4. This is such a sweet post. This person you're destined to kiss every new year's eve will come soon.. :)

    Happy new year, and cheers to more blessings, opportunities and blog posts this 2012!

    PS: Following your blog now. Hope you can follow back (if you like my blog, that is). Thanks!

  5. nice post here! happy new year! btw! nuvali solenad is in sta. rosa, nandun kasi yung contis, yun pinipilahan namin. =)

  6. I hope you'll meet this person soon. Happy New Year!

  7. Aww.. wishing you all the luck. Happy New Year!

  8. awww, this is way too sweet. you inspired me to do my own version. ahah. :)

    Happy New YEar, sweets! Followed you. Because I like this post. Lol

  9. Aww... i really love this post. have you read yung dear someone ni Patty laurel. very very nice. somewhat opposite ng iyo but you know it's an inspiring one too. :D you should check it out. otherwise, you know, this made me smile and feel like aww i like this girl. "So here's to hoping that I don't scare you away. I am sure that you are someone who wouldn't mind that I am this and that because you, too, are a lot of things. Here's to hoping that we will always and forever seek each other, because anything less for us both is just unacceptable." followed!

  10. Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my post. And for following this blog. Will follow you all back! Thanks again. :)

    @Kumiko, I'll read Patty's post now! :)

  11. *Clicks imaginary like button

  12. aww... how sweet. im now inspired to write a letter to my hubby.. =)
